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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SPECTR @ mind 16
TIMES NIE mind field 16, 41
p PARADISE peace of mind 9
mind 16
HERO mindmine institute 41
minds THE GAP 41
CM creative minds +circle 41
DIATRENDS hearts & minds 14, 40
GREY CELLS shaping minds 16
THE great minds +book & sun 41
XANSA WEBSITY shaping minds 16
a paper for young minds 16, 41
inspiring young minds 35, 41
GALLOPING mindss +angel 41
HERO mind mine institute 41
mineral 280 +circle 11
mineral 280 +oval 7, 9, 21, 32
mineral spring health 5
A ACQA mineral water 32
AJMAL mineral water 32
AKKSHEYA mineral water 32
ALAGAR mineral water 32
ALPS mineral water +hills 32
AMRUT mineral water 32
AMUL mineral water +circle 32
AQA NATURAL mineral water 32
AQUA BISHARI mineral water 32
AQUAGUARD mineral enriched 32
AQUAROCK mineral water +ova 32
AQUEOUS mineral water 32
ASHWINI mineral water +hors 32
B.R. mineral water 32
BERYL mineral water 32
BIBO mineral water +oval 29, 32
BIO-CERAMIC mineral r.o. 11
BOOND mineral water 32
BRIJ mineral water 32
CAUVERY pure mineral water 32
CHAITANYA mineral water 32
CMD PLUS mineral drops 5
CRYSTALINE aqua mineral 32
CUTE mineral water +face 32
DADDY aqua mineral +ovals 32
DARE DEVIL mineral water 32
DIPAL mineral water +drops 32
DISCOVERY mineral water 32
DR. COOY mineral 32
DROPS balanced mineral wate 32
ELEGANT mineral water syste 11
FERRO mineral water 32
FLICK mineral soda 32
FONS natural mineral water 32
GC SPITI mineral water 32
GENTLE mineral ro system 11
GOODMIN mineral water +oval 32
GOODMIN-mineral mixture 5
HELLO aqua mineral +ovals 32
HELLO aqua mineral +stars 32
HIMALAYAN mineral water 16
INES natural mineral water 32
J.K.M. aqua mineral +oval 32
JEPPIAAR mineral water 32
JHARNA real mineral water 32
JOHN PLAYER'S mineral water 32
KAMPBELL'S (mineral water) 32
KENT mineral ro 11
KENT mineral water purifier 7
LMW LIBRA mineral water +ar 32
MANLEY mineral soda +glass 32
MOUNT DROP mineral water 32
MWT mineral water from tap 32
N.S.S. hi-tech mineral wate 32
NANDI mineral water +cow 32
NATURAL AQA mineral water 32
OLD TAVERN mineral water 32
OSMOR mineral water machine 11
PARLE BAILLEY mineral water 32
PARTH mineral 32
PLAYER'S mineral water +man 32
PSMS mineral water +oval 32
PURITA aqua mineral 32
RAINBOW aqua mineral +squar 32
RELIANT mineral +drop & ova 32
RIVA mineral water 32
ROYAL CHILD mineral water 32
RUSHIKULYA mineral water 32
SAKTHI mineral water 32
SANJEEVANI mineral water 32
SARASWATI mineral water 32
SARAVANA mineral water 32
SHEETAL aqua mineral 32
SHREE pure mineral water 32
SIRUVANI mineral water 32
SLOK mineral water +fish 32
SPLASH GK mineral soda 32
SUN aqua mineral 32
THE PASSPORT mineral water 32
THERAPEUTIC mineral ice 5
TIME mineral water +oval 32
U-LA NATURAL mineral water 32
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